The Modification of Hide and Seek Towards The Students Engagemen and Reading Comprehension in Procedure Tex

Asmuruf, Yunita (2024) The Modification of Hide and Seek Towards The Students Engagemen and Reading Comprehension in Procedure Tex. S1 thesis, Universitas Pendidikan Muhammadiyah Sorong.

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This study investigates the impact of the modified hide-and-seek game onstudents' engagement and reading comprehension of procedural texts. Theresearch was conducted with 11 seventh-grade students from SMP ITAS RIOS,Sorong, Indonesia. A pre-experimental design was employed, involving pre-tests,post-tests, and a questionnaire to assess the changes in reading comprehension andengagement levels. The pre-test results showed that 55% of the students were inthe "Fair" category for reading comprehension, while only 36% achieved a"Good" score. After the intervention, there was a significant improvement, with73% of the students moving to the "Good" category and no students classified as"Poor" or "Very Poor." The mean score increased from 60.45 to 74.09, and apaired t-test analysis confirmed a statistically significant improvement (p =0.000). In terms of engagement, the students displayed high levels of activeness(mean = 4.2), interest (mean = 4.5), and motivation (mean = 4.3) following theintervention, as measured by a Likert scale questionnaire. The study concludesthat incorporating a modified hide-and-seek game significantly enhances bothstudents’ engagement and their reading comprehension of procedural texts. Theinteractive nature of the game encourages active participation and collaboration,creating a more enjoyable learning experience. Future studies could explore theuse of game-based learning strategies in larger and more diverse populations tofurther validate these findings.

Item Type: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi/Laporan D3 (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Hide and Seek Games; Reading Comprehension; Students Engagement
Subjects: 300 ILMU SOSIAL > 370 Pendidikan > 370.7 Pendidikan Ilmu Kependidikan > 370.72 Riset Penelitian Ilmu Pendidikan, Riset Penelitian Pendidikan
Divisions: Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa Sosial dan Olahraga (FABIO) > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: UNIMUDA Administrator Sorong
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2025 10:47
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2025 10:47

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